Visualizing Zion – Divine Mandate

Visualizing Zion - Divine Mandate

Moses 7:18
Pearl of Great Price

18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.

Divine Mandate

I believe there exists a “divine mandate” inherited by The United States of America and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Conjunctively.

I do not empathize with a vision of imperialism implicative of hegemony.  

Obtaining Peace on Earth for all humanity is a goal that seems insurmountable, but- I believe it is obtainable.

To which nation, country, or creed – whom may achieve the pinnacle of such a grand and glorious vision; of which as a child, I felt destined to see-seems to encompass the evanescence of night that casts a shadow upon my dream as an American-Mormon. The Mantle of Zion may be relinquished by a faltering nation.

The cause of a nation of Divine Providence reinforced by The Restoration:  I eagerly anticipated The Second Coming.

The wonderful environment I enjoyed as a child within The United States of America and as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has brought about bountiful blessings.

The Church facilitated the preservation of moral ethical values while helping developing characteristics while offering divine perspective.  Families Can Be Together Forever-offering reason and purpose.

As a Citizen of The USA we were educated within a construct that reaffirmed the principles and values developed within faith.  The Secular instrument to Divinity whose values would be fair, act justly, and stood for certain inalienable rights-whom affirmed equality and protecting those who could not themselves.

I believe in God.  Ultimately, His, Her, or Their Will Be Done:  Regardless of Which Nation-Bringeth Peace.

Bringeth Peace:  Nonsensical Bloodshed, turmoil, and endless buffoonery of the world and us as its citizens is counter-intuitive and a byproduct of our own demise.

Who will bring peace:  The USA?  China? Russia?  India?  Egypt?  Aliens?

Maybe Aliens:  Peace is definitely a foreign concept to many…I digress.

Despite the current predicament we find ourselves as Americans, the reality seems to be That The Kingdom of God in their security and expansive Global Church feels secure.

As a faithful and true member of The Church:  I am not attacking my Faith or “our,” Leaders-I am seeking comfort; not for myself-but for my legacy.  My children face significant challenges beyond what I will live to fathom.

The notion that the current generation inherits the problems of those past-seems to be the only truth I have found.

With unlimited resources and profound knowledge and wisdom-why do we as humans continually enjoy prosperity, and fall into iniquity as eloquently outlined within The Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon – Another Testament of Jesus Christ has the blueprints for America in a past-tense in now present-tense.

I can easily foresee The Truth being buried after We as a Nation-disregard the knowledge due to lack of Wisdom.

If The Church supposes The United States of America can Fall and The Kingdom: Not Likewise-This in my opinion does not understand That- The Church and The USA are under Divine Covenant.

Wherever we Go, As Emissaries of Jesus Christ-To Which is Universal, conceptually or in Spirit, It will always physically manifest as an American Religion.

Visualizing Zion and The current organization of The Church:

How can we become more effective?

I believe I see this evidenced within The Church and its current activities both within a temporal construct and the secular organization of disseminating spiritual principles.

Let me add context to the current situation:

Technology or even the Internet over the World Wide Web has provided the means to make information available and intravenously-global.

Socio-political constructs whom relish in power are opting to control the dissemination of information-  for political purposes contrary to which The Church or The Kingdom of God, even The Church of Jesus Christ: Stands.

“Political,” within this construct deals with the allocation of “natural resources,” which includes a broad-term of “human-labor.”

I digress.

Without the intent of being overtly cynical or critical:

How would I approach the problem within the framework of The Kingdom in conjunction to The Principles of which we Stand?

First before anything is made manifest physically it is made manifest within the mind or of ideas.

Moses 7:18
Pearl of Great Price

18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.

The Book of Mormon describes “The Fall of America.”

The “Pearl of Great Price,” describes “The Potential,” echoing and affirming That there exists “Earths past,” who achieved “Celestial Glory,” Even: Zion.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:8–9

This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ’s.

The reference of to the “Urim and Thummim,” directly implies the clarity to which “The Mantle,” or The Prophet of The Church will have clarity and work according to The Will of God.

This establishes the burden of The Mantle:  Like a bishop whom is responsible for the stewardship of his ward boundaries-member or non-member-The Mantle assumes responsibility for The World as manifested.

The “Crystal” may be correlated with “The Pearl,” which comes with “Great Price.”  How many must die?  What Price is “great,” enough?  Not Another Soul.

The Atonement has its limitations.

We know Lucifer suffered “Spiritual Death.”

Who killed him?  If you ever felt the burden of “suicide,” you may be empathetic-and have my sympathies.

Edit:  01:00 April 8, 2024 – Oculus

(Upon revelatory clarification offered within The 194th General Conference of Thy Church regarding The Salvation of Man relative The Plan of Happiness (“Only a few will not inherit a telestial, Terrestrial, or Celestial…”):  It should be duly noted that Lucifer and his choice of manner of death was after having receiving a “celestial” glory, not like unto man in this second estate-unto the veil of forgetfulness, relegating suicide as applied within mortality- The Atonement-In Full-Effect unto all those upon The Earth.)

A pearl is created by change within a shell encompassing a bit of sand that goes through changes over time exposed to elements within its biome.

The pearl correlates to the world as a byproduct of Diametrical opposition:  Good and Evil on a microcosmic (individual) and macrocosmic-holistic perspective (“mother-earth.”)

So where do we go from here?

Heart-“Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Mind-“Knowledge & Wisdom.”

The attempts at “self-reliance,” “emotional-resilience,” and other educational endeavors is reactionary and needs a responsive or long-term approach.

My suggestion:

Intersect the two:

Integrate Missionary Work within Formal Education.

BYU-Pathways Worldwide is a great start.

Serve a two-year mission-Earn a degree.

Is it a “coincidence’ of the “age” changes?

I have more suggestions:

But choose not to be long winded.

God Bless, and God Speed.

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