
Insightful Wisdom

My name is Kenneth Toso Tupea and this is my personal website sharing my perspectives regarding the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ as inherited from the doctrinal facets of Mormonism, or better referred to as doctrinal beliefs within The Church of Jesus Christ (Latter-day Saints).

In humility, I live life with a passion for “Educating Righteous Desires.”  With the intent to “flood social media” with personal aspects of my testimony that may offer insightful perspectives regarding the mission of Jesus Christ – “Lord, Savior, & Redeemer” and a deep desire to “hearken unto His Voice.”

This is a personal collection of blog posts or a web-log of the growth of my testimony:

I have learned that as I embark on this journey of discipleship  – my understanding expands and is also refined:

With the intent of documenting accurately the progression of my understanding – I have left intact many posts that I may no longer agree with in its entirety – As a writer – this website is intended to be an eBook where the story highlighting my personal beliefs within a testimony of Jesus Christ:  grows, changes, and begins to take shape.

I pray for patience and understanding as I share what for many men is a sense of vulnerability that often leaves me weak.

May God bless all of us on our journey to the light of truth.

The Perfect Storm
Philosophical Narratives

In The Eye of The Storm

Visitor Count: 685 The Kingdom of God as constituted is formatted within neutrality as it applies to its position; a “separation of church and state.” 

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Servus Amare

The Law of Consecration

Visitor Count: 168 The Path To Discipleship 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first

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Oath of A Disciple

Oath of a Disciple

Visitor Count: 277 As a disciple of Jesus Christ I can no longer subscribe to the notion of Patriotism:  I am not enlisted in the

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Jesus The Christ - Virgin Mary - Unsplash
Jesus The Christ
Servus Amare

Jesus The Christ

Visitor Count: 794 Teachings of Jesus The Christ 26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according

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Like a Little Child - Unsplash
Philosophical Narratives
Ancient of Days

Like a Little Child

Visitor Count: 198 The more I learn, the shorter the posts may become: “Like a Little Child.” Lord Acton…regarding power.  Why enough resources, but scarcity?

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Philosophical Narratives

Temple: Three Kingdoms

Visitor Count: 849 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of

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Finding Love through resonance
Philosophical Narratives


Visitor Count: 244 Ever since I was young I have always considered myself a romantic. The classical traditional Disney type of romanticism. As I have

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