The Great Pyramid of Egypt on the Giza plateau is inundated with intrigue and encompasses many mysteries. The occult or hidden meaning within any form of architecture, leaves more questions than answers when looking at a World Wonder of such technological intrigue.
Who built The Great Pyramid? How did they build it? Why did they build it? Why is it the only pyramid with eight sides? Why is it on the back of the dollar bill?
As I look at the fact that The Great Pyramid amongst other things is distinguished as having 8 sides, I think it is interesting when examining the significance of the number “8” in the bible:
It is interesting that upon the back of the US Dollar bill there is the statement: “Norvo Ordo Seclorum.” Which translated from Latin: “A New Order of The Ages.”
Recognizing the significance of the number relative to The Bible even Judaism, it is interesting when you take a closer look at the number 8 within the context of The Great Pyramid.
When 8 is divided relative to triangular sides you get 12 lines centered at 13:

I am suggesting The Great Pyramid could of monumentally- foreshadow the coming of The Messiah, even Jesus Christ upon the meridian of time – ushering in a New Beginning.
Is there a significance regarding the Pyramid of The US Dollar Bill?

The significance within my perspective is that the pyramid has 13 steps. The “Eye of Providence” then would be a 14th step.
In short: The Great Pyramid of Giza foreshadows the ministry of The Messiah, even Jesus Christ as historically recorded in The New Testament. The US Dollar bill with the capstone in the 14th place – foreshadowing – The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Norvo Ordo Seclorum: A New Order of The Ages – “Dispensation of The Fulness of Times.”