Understanding The Preexistence

One Love

After fervent prayer and fast – trial and tribulations; a broken heart and contrite spirit, My heart is softened and saddened when I find an America amongst turmoil and chaos – in a state of strife – ripe with blackened hearts wanting War.

The imperialistic nature of my country consumed by the spoils of smoke and mirrors – encompassed by the jaws of death – in a state of hollowness, empty, a nation primarily of zombies walking around heartless.

Unfortunately, members of my faith have fallen victim to a revelatory affinity ascribing to “holy warrior,” posturing as the Armies of Helaman under the tutelage of Captain Moroni – preparing for Armageddon, as if War is the answer:

If you read The Book of Mormon and the anticlimactic finish – “where it was buried,” The “Golden Plates,” you may be missing the mark…

The United States of America, The Land of Divine Providence has found much “gold,” and no heavenly treasure…

What are we to learn from The Book of Mormon – relative to War:  What of The Nephites?

I digress.

Is it Elijah:  That heart of the fathers to the sons, and the sons to the fathers:

“For the Father in me, and I am in the Father.”

What did my Master mean:


“For you can have all the powers of The Priesthood…but if you lack the “Pure Love of Jesus Christ (Charity)…

Love == “Heart.”

As a soldier of God who has seen many wars – “Would you believe That Our Father – “Lost?”

To Whom Do We Hope To Return?

Lets Presume:  We are composed of Mind, Heart, And Spirit ((Body) – (Dust & Soul)).

Assuming there was a war within us – A separation of These 3 Elements of Immortality:  Mind, Heart, and Spirit.

Therefore I presume the 1/3 we loss is the (Heart).

<=Heart == Father == Love=>

We currently consist of “Mind & Spirit.”

When you obtain “One Heart & One Mind” you are called “Zion.”

Please Brothers & Sisters:

Ponder What I am Relaying.

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