Brother against brother, Sister against sister
25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
Mark 3: 25-26 (KJV)
Reflecting on the political landscape of the Presidential election we live in an United States of America that is divided. Often times in order to win an election the differences must be noted and the political platform relative to policies and inherently how they define, maintain, and preserve the American Dream must be brought to the limelight.
The stark contrast between the two parties could not be more self-evident, yet the lines are beginning to be blurred…
The intensity and heated deference and dissonance between the two parties – metaphorically compares to a Montague versus Capulets where our future, our children are more so Romeos and Juliets than Adams and Eves.
Or is it?

Peace can come to all who earnestly seek the Prince of Peace.
The aforementioned scripture in Mark of the New Testament within the KJV Bible describes the inability for a “house divided” to stand the test of time, even mortality. Furthermore, referring to “Satan” and his cohorts likewise a similar fate if divided.
Therefore I feel it is safe to assume that ultimately division is beyond the realm of Good and Evil without regards to individual autonomy as it is applied subjectively. Simply our perspective within “agency” allows for individual and personal moral ethical lexicons as we as individuals for ourselves through trial-and-error think for ourselves, and ultimately may choose what is right and wrong, Good or Evil – which has induced the juxtaposition between left and right, liberal and conservative, Democrats and Republicans, Vice President Harris and Former President Trump.
Suggesting the inefficacy of division and the development of compromise – where we are unified by a general consensus where there is mutual respect for difference where we find perpendicular congruencies within the framework of preserving and maintaining the integrity, and dignity of the US Constitution – with Judice Prudence of the Judiciary (Federal & State) – with respect to the Supreme, The Legislative arms and implementation, the ratification, and of a responsive House and Senate which represent the voice of The People, in articulating and refining law, and an Executive Branch which is willing to protect its’ citizens both domestically and foreign; within the notion that the nature of Government is to act in accordance with the principle values of its’ Founding Fathers whom believed in inalienable rights and the pursuit of happiness – We would be in a better place.
In short, this is not a war between God & Satan. This is not a religious war. This is a war against “division” within America. We as American citizens are in the same boat. Regardless of political affiliation, we ought to be united as “Americans.” We should look to build bridges, not build motes around ourselves. We should seek to understand, find common ground, and build our house upon that Rock.
If Christ did not see division within the promise land…
Then why do we refer to His ultimate sacrifice as “At-One-Ment.”
If we are not one in Jesus Christ, We are one as Americans, if we are not one as Americans, we are one as Mothers and Fathers, if not Mother and Fathers, Sons and Daughters, if not Sons and Daughters..
As Human Beings.
Division Does Not multiply, it will continually divide…
less as the father to Adam & Eve: “Multiply…”