Truth is like a Gold Mine


The Truth is Like a Gold Mine That Must Be Worked, Refined, and Replenished

As a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints having a testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ is the paramount truth of all things and should be the delineating factor of our discipleship.

Despite all of the criticisms surrounding the Book of Mormon there seems to be no adequate argument that it is not a testament of Jesus Christ.  Removing the semantics of its name it is indeed a narrative about Jesus Christ.

The subjective nature to which we draw truth is an universal product of agency – for without difference there would be no true choice.  The function of history relative to prior prophets, seers, and revelators does not discredit the many truths that has come forth as a byproduct of The Restoration as much as The History of The United States of America would be responsible for reparations of slavery with regards to previous leaders who engaged in these practices.

Change within The Church is self-evident and justified as it is a byproduct of modern revelation to which men are judged for their own transgressions.  Yet as the Savior has beckoned we are required to forgive.

The most inquisitive minds like questions more than answers. If you have doubts or questions why not continue to seek.  Furthermore minds like ours continue to pray. 

Recognizing the subjective nature of our choices – I suggest we choose patience with our answers.  As they trickle in – The truth will be revealed to you in a unique manner to which satisfies your curiosity. 

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