The Garden of Eden presents two Trees Diametrically opposed. The Tree of Life, and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Tree of Life was placed at The Center of The Garden.
The Tree of Life is Jesus Christ.
The Atonement upon The Garden of Gethsemane is the Metaphorical Creation of The Tree of Life, to which God asks that we partake.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil – Is symbolic of Agency, or the birth of “choice.”
This may be considered directly opposing “Hermetic” wisdom where destiny was predetermined.
There is a difference between “foreordained,” and “destined.”
One implies choice.
Although from the perspective of God, the road is straight and narrow –
The term “Garden,” implies a path of organic growth through cycles of change producing the fruits of our labor.
In sum, Jesus Christ – The intermediary – “The Middle-way,” or The Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life is the path that leads to our “center-point” between Good and Evil.
In sum – Knowledge is neither Good nor Evil:
But wisdom, or the application of knowledge – is equivocal to “fruit.”