Time Travel

Within in the context of education and The Plan of Salvation when reflecting upon The Latter-day Saint notion of mortality being a test – the more I view earth as a big science experiment.  Historical sites and archaeology in general a carefully orchestrated test laying clues to be uncovered for a divine purpose.  As I sit postulating the heavens – with a deep admiration for God and Her creations, and Science – His creation I seem to find a harmonious synergy between faith and science.  The juxtaposition between patriarchy and matriarchy where science a masculine expression – you may find that the overbearing of masculinity within the context of the “kundalini” that there is an attempt to subdue the feminine corollary to advancements in science, in technology.  Without the intent of delving too deep into the natural oscillations of human consciousness I feel behooved to highlight a concept of time travel that has been failed by successful minds such as Hawking – who I through hearsay related the notion that “time travel” does not exists as if it did, where are the time travelers?  In other words, the presumption may be that – foresight would presume that in antiquity there existed far more advanced civilizations where time travel achieved – we as an earth, within the Mormon concept that this is a world within many, subsequent and not the first – we would be visited by time travelers, if not from native earthlings; we could presume from Extraterrestrials from other earths, from other planets.

In light of this observation, in light of a science I choose not to relegate to human understanding I feel and think that perhaps we do not recognize the perfect or exact nature of time travel relative to an extremely complex nature of relativity within fabrics of time as it relates to effectual impact upon the future as if a mesh of timelines of out worldly visitors as it relates to crossing timelines.  Simply, Time travel and its traveler leaving a timeline, to a previous point in time and how it would affect said point and point of origin.  There must be, at least I propose recognizing the majesty of an intelligence who obtained such a grand achievement – first found worthy, assuming that a technological achievement of such a scale, a wisdom to maintain harmony with the presumption that there exists deity or a God of order protecting the integrity of its creation.

Summarily the primitive science we deal with and the moral ethical challenges we face are undoubtedly miniscule in comparison to a far more advanced technology that would come Only when humanity is ready.

Within the Plan of Salvation and the end goal as defined for each of us – Is to Return to our Heavenly Father to which we came.  So in essence within this nugget of divine revelation I believe encompasses “time travel.”

So in essence we hope in the “future” to return to which we came.  Further, we understand that the soul or spirit comes from our Heavenly Origin, or from the presence of our Heavenly Father.

Therefore I suggest that if our Heavenly Father and His presence is our “future” goal or destination in mortality and is the origin of our soul – (beginning) – Children come from the Future, to the “present” relative to needs of the “future.”  In sum, Children, more specifically-“spiritually,” are time travelers.

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