The Law of Consecration

Tithes & Offerings & Taxation

21 They say unto him, Cæsar’s. Then saith he unto them, aRender therefore unto bCæsar the things which are Cæsar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.

24 ¶ aNo man can bserve two cmasters: for either he will dhate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and emammon.


As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we believe and inherently Testify that we in essence are the emanating Restoration of The Literal Church of Jesus Christ.

Doing away with Mosaic Law, Fulfilled – And in Divine Manifestation – As an offering a “final,” sacrifice and atoned attributed to The “Garden,” of Gethsemane – Atoned, – Removing the law of Sacrifice, and offers a Law of Consecration – of which – “Recommended,” Members of His Kingdom – Are “endowed,” within divine covenant after “Initiatory.”

Simply:  We are Initiates of a Sacred Divine Order; recipients of a Divine Covenant, Between Us and The Lord Jesus Christ:

To Whom I Testify:  Is at the helm of The Church, In His Name.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we do not emblematically accept the “Cross,” as in its emphasis is upon “sacrifice,” a law which in its entirety – fulfilled by “The Lamb of God.”

Ushering in anew, a Divine Covenant, Even, The New and Everlasting, Even:  The Law of Consecration.

The term “Garden,” in its simplicity always implies the symbiotic relationship between man and “earth,”  Man and Woman:  Where Gender is emphatically paramount, and within Divine Covenant – Essential.

Within the aforementioned quoted scriptures:

It may seem to apply a choice between two choices juxtaposed. 

Caesar (Government & God) : (Two – Masters)

Relative to the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil:

Correlated Measured upon A scale of Justice:

You may want to find an Equilibrium – Equally Measured – Balanced.

New & Everlasting Covenant - Celestial Marriage

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds The Authority and Keys to bind on Earth in Heaven.

The New & Everlasting Covenant is the reflection of The Divine Covenants within The “Garden” of Eden, through The “Garden” of Gethsemane.

Therefore those married within The Confines of our Temples:

Are Sealed for All-Time & Eternity:

Without Beginning or End:  Infinite and Eternal:

According To Marital Vows Between Husband and Wife:

Upon The Rock of Thy Lord’s:

“At One Ment,”

Partakers of Salvation, unto A Plan of Happiness:

According to the measure to which:

The Fruits of Their Labors.

The Scale of Justice:



Measured as a “feather” upon Angels wings:

Divine – One Flesh.

The Law of Consecration

The Law of Consecration recognizes a willingness to give everything we have with an unselfish desire that The Most important thing is each other – Husband and Wife, Priesthood and Motherhood.

The Law of Consecration recognizes that there is no such thing as two-masters, no such thing as separation between church and state.

Regardless of our ignorance:

Secular or Spiritual:

Everything we do is of divine measure.

Secular Taxation, or Tithes of a spiritual offering:

Everything we give:

Is ultimately consecrated unto God.

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