The Importance of the Nuclear Family


Families Are Forever

There is a silver lining regarding suffering from mental illness.  Generally those who cognitively lose a grip on reality, may offer differing perspectives on life that are so outside of the box that the inherent unique perspective can be revolutionary.  We were educated in a manner to think for ourselves; utilize imagination, don’t be afraid to be creative, be innovative.  Critical thinking requires, both imagination and creativity inducing innovation.  Not interested in debating the best methods for educational structure relative to the constant pull between liberal and conservative expression.  I wanted to highlight the fact that I am diagnosed with a mental illness, which often offers unique perspectives, but in no manner is authoritative in any capacity.  Bluntly, I never assume I am right, and with a primary goal – offering insights, not saying that I speak for any other member of The Church:  We are not sheeple, We are a family!  We are not some brainwashed, sheltered, closed minded congregation:  We are everyday people ascribing for a concept of heaven which offers an eternal perspective, where we can be with our families forever.

The point quite transparently is that family centered values are universal, redefine the meaning of family – you redefine “universal.”  Redefine “Love,” likewise as a “universal ” you redefine “love – universally.” In short, if within the macrocosm of physics there exist laws observed relative to planetary laws of the cosmos, (Thermodynamics, Gravity), there exists “spiritual” laws or within the aforementioned “universal,” there exists a “divinely inspired” view on universals such as “family,” and “love.”

I suggest that the views on spiritual-universals offered doctrinally found within the Latter-day Saints canonical describes a viewpoint that is family-centered offering a eloquent perspective on love.  As members of The Church we do not love the same, but principally and doctrinally you will not find a greater voice for Jesus Christ centered and His Teachings regarding his Love for each of us, encompassing an expansive, intellectual, compassionate, perspective regarding “Universals.”  Again, the emphasis is on The Church’s perspective regarding the importance of the nuclear family unit.

Within this post I would like to offer a perspective regarding the importance of the nuclear unit, its degradation within the normalcy regarding the status quo; that has redefined “the nuclear family unit,” and how it’s definition has a spiritual impact “universally.”

Marriage as I view it, is built upon a knowledgebase who nuclei lay within the doctrinal facets of The Church.

Again, this a personal observation, and not to be a reflection of a general consensus amongst a “general population.”  The point is is that there are requirements and structure within The Church, but we think differently, we’re diverse. we are international, we are global; yet, we see further than that, we are innovators, we are creators who take an “eternal” perspective; looking beyond The Milky Way -, Universal, Multi-universal – chances are you have met one!

Metaphorically, our GPS is pointed beyond the cosmos.

Emphatically, the redefinition of the nuclear family unit as broadly accepted and proliferated may be responsible for many of the issues we face as Americans, and perhaps globally.  It should be noted that as an American, my views may be entirely American, but the United States of America has much influence Internationally.  So despite the diversity of cultures relative to individual country who inherently has maintained the native status quo – it would be hard to fathom the possibility that you have not been in some way impacted by the USA, or its culture.

Within the USA the perspective I would like to describe is relative to the degradation of the “nuclear family unit” relative to its redefinition – where the LDS perspective may be socially antiquated, or old fashioned.  Yet, I see the old fashioned, gender role, paradigm – offers, at least personally, concepts, precepts, and perspective that resonate with me.  I am suggesting that the degradation of the nuclear family unit relative to my old fashioned perspective which I will refer to as “traditional marriage,” inversely produces many of the problems we Americans face.

I am not interested in sharing thoughts regarding social issues and choose to define “family,” as father, mother, and kids.  What I would like to point out is a personal perspective as it applies to a personal “paradigm,” regarding how a traditional family – (Heterosexual, monogamous, lawfully wedded) and how it has helped me.

Regardless of any social issue, any issue – without saying (Liberal or Conservative) who is right or wrong, I am suggesting that a society based upon the values of “traditional” marriage is better equipped to deal with problems we face as a society.

I choose to be brief:

Traditional Marriage and its decline was executed “economically,” which induced moral decline.  The acceptance of society that as Americans its acceptable for both parent’s to be employed to find a livable wage – ultimately was detrimental to the nuclear family unit.  When both parents “need” to work, our children become raised by siblings, friends, school teachers, coaches, the internet. and so forth.  I am not saying siblings are bad, school teachers, or coaches are bad – I am saying there is a growing disconnect between parents and children which induced the degradation of traditional marriage, and had negative sociopolitical consequences.

Case In Point:

Suffering from Mental Illness I have had over twenty therapists.

The level of trust that I needed to truly be open and express my thoughts with utter transparency to a point where it is healing and comforting has been with my wife. 

The point is:  You don’t just create a disconnect from the parents and the kids, you create a separation between the husband and wife – inducing social chaos which is manifested in the “modern perspective,” of the family, where this modern manifestation may be responsible or the root cause of issues within America.


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