The importance of Religion

Russell M Nelson

Faith, Family, Hope, God, Love

Regardless of socio-political bias, we may agree that we are able to solve problems more effectively as a unified group with purpose.  An individual or one man or woman – may introduce revolutionary ideas – but a general consensus or status quo and the social efficacy of its acceptance is more effective when there is congruency amongst many.  The rope analogy, …a intertwining of layers of rope makes the rope more durable.

Effectively, the socio-political development of activist groups perpetuating a cause; likewise The LDS and other faiths or denominations are active relative to sharing the basic tenets of Christianity.  Likewise any other faith-based group.  Our acceptance of religious freedom; we deny none the right or privilege…that would be hypocritical.  We may have firm beliefs – but it comes with the utmost respect for differences as protected by Law, in mortality and divine.

Ultimately, the bigger the problem, the bigger the group solving the problem – The magnitude of solutions increases exponentially.

This invites the need for socio-political constructs.  When analyzing problems, assuming an infinite amount of answers – the question then becomes who has the best solution.  The autonomous and subjective nature of philosophical perspectives means that we can get 100 answers from 100 individuals.  Within an exponential framework which determines what is best for my community, my city, my state, or my country?

As Americans we trust our Government.  Within a political construct that presumes Government inefficacies we depend on our spiritual leaders to guide us relative to modern day challenges.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides both spiritual and temporal support.

The Church, more specifically our Prophet, even President Russell M Nelson is seen as a “Liahona,” or compass which is sole purpose in this life is to offer the individual, the family, to the world – offering “covenanted” wisdom with a simple and practical approach to applying divinely appointed precepts and concepts within everyday challenges.


17 million members focused on solving world hunger…

17 million members focused on developing Christlike characteristics.  Love, Empathy, Compassion, Sacrifice – Universal characteristics within many of us.

17 million people seeking peace…

The philosophical question:  “Mixing bowl or Melting pot?

Both:  Transitory dynamic describing change relative to culture, where society exists as mixing bowls becoming melting pots, and moving away where societal norms are in a state of constant fluctuation.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a melting pot that will consume the entire earth.  Practically, in one way or another you have been affected by a member of The Church.

A Melting Pot which assumes that every other strand of rope is important.  We believe that together we are better.  Members of The Church are all over the political spectrum – Liberal, Conservative, Moderate…

The moral ethical guidance afforded by a brotherhood and sisterhood, a ward family – provides or gives exposure to others who are empathetic of your struggles.  We have individual problems, and the prerogative of solving it; but it is helpful to learn from others who have experienced similar situations.

Ultimately, we are a collective of believers in Jesus Christ, divinely structured – focused on serving God,

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