Teaching In The Savior’s Way


Jesus Christ may be seen as “The Master.”  The Great Exemplar and The Master Teacher.  A conundrum lay within the notion that as a sinner he is able to empathize with me-as he suffered and felt, feels, and experiences, experienced – my trials – that I need not walk-alone; therefore a man whom is perfect – likewise walks with me, an imperfect individual.  So how is it that he be perfect, and yet able to empathize with me-an imperfect spirit?

Perhaps the end justifies the means, where in retrospect – vision is perfect, and as The Only Begotten, carried the burden of impossible – into reality.  Through His Example, is the threshold of perfection; where as men our view on sin as a necessary evil – that corruptible be made incorrupt.  Two millennia later how do I find empathy for a Teacher whom never sinned, how do I connect or worship a persona with reverence – whom I may never understand, for perfection is beyond the realm of mortality.  In the process of thinking celestially, do I find vanity in thinking of myself such a heavenly light, likewise worthy of such a divine blessing to inherit something as majestic as laid before me – even an exalted state to which The Lord beckons me to pursue.

Simply, the dream of a forever family, kingdoms, dominions, and principalities, a priest, or king – in the end, will I be so highly esteemed?  As a human of such weakness, be cherished one day as the idealization of a dream – to return and be with My Father, in the measurement of my life, find perfection, and if so – cleansed by the blood of the lamb, my sins forgotten?  I do not know, yet do not relish in my sins- but I feel – that it is often enlightening and offers a bridge where there exists authenticity a genuine transparency that acknowledges weakness, even if no more.

In short, many visualize the Savior as a manifestation of utter-perfection, but I have within a process of “thinking celestial,” a closeness with my Savior when I visualize him through a lens – walking hand-in-hand with me.  In short, he walks with me in each step of my life.  Therefore the Lord in his perfection, walks with me through my imperfection – leading and guiding me unto Him, even perfection.

In sum, Jesus Christ is perfect – but the idealization of what seems impossible, may be a hinderance to those who choose to follow Him.  Therefore I suggest seeing Jesus Christ through a lens that offers comfort as opposed to a light which condemns, may be more beneficial to those like me, at the beginning of discipleship.

My personal desire to be a beacon of light and emulate The Master, sometimes requires me to take Jesus off of a pedestal, and look upon him as my best friend, my companion, my elder brother sharing the fox hole within the foothold of the many pitfalls of mortality.

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