Finding Love through resonance

Ever since I was young I have always considered myself a romantic. The classical traditional Disney type of romanticism. As I have matured, I learned that it was not necessarily romanticism that I enjoyed, but it was the way that a man and woman expressed love for each other. As I grew older and have been through various types of relationships and seeing other types of relationships and their failures–I have learned that love is a very complicated and complex thing. Oftentimes in my marriage, sometimes it feels like we experience much more pain and struggle, as it applies to my physical and mental deficiencies. Her sense of undying love and faithful devotion has helped me find a perspective in life that is filled with optimism. Within our love and marital covenant I have found resonance.


Resonance to me is a unique lexicon of our perspective of love. Inherently unique to each man and woman is an individual vibrational frequency. Within the framework from a metaphysical perspective that looks at an individual and love as a deep expression which is physical, mental and spiritual. Naturally women tend to be drawn to men who have a similar lexicon as it applies to physical, mental and spiritual. I am proposing that if you are to fulfill a woman’s needs physically, mentally and spiritually, you will find a love that has found resonance. I think the important part that often gets neglected is the spiritual part of a relationship.  Having faith in God is often overlooked in modern society as antiquated and old fashioned. I have learned that change is good. But change that is too fast and too extreme can often unseat or dismantle the fabric of resonance within the societal construct.  


I think today society can be described as a bunch of individual vibrational frequencies trying to find harmony within a sea of individual frequencies. It reminds me of the movie Sister Act 2 where Whoopie Goldberg had to take individuals and bring them together in harmony. Figuratively or metaphorically, Whoopie Goldberg represents religion. Religion is considered old fashioned or antiquated because of their views of traditional families. As our spiritual leaders, spiritual organization or churches begin to accept or condone spiritual aspects or guidelines as it applies to love between a man and a woman; there is an unintended socio-political consequence. Metaphorically as a ocean or sea of individual vibrational frequencies the water can become very rough. It can get to the point where love or the pursuit of love can drown one seeking it. 


A strong marriage requires a lot of time and work. In today’s America, we often spend more time outside of our homes. Less time with our wives and children just to provide for the basic needs of our families. To me, my wife and children are the most important thing. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints puts the same paramount importance on the family. Today within society it is acceptable for both parents to be working. The socio-political construct of maintaining solidarity within a family in today’s America is strained by just providing the means to supporting a family. I digress. I have said this before on a previous post.


Resonance relative to harmonics within vibrational frequency which views the science of music will uncover chords that are naturally appealing to the ear. Viewing love or resonance within a scientific framework I am proposing that there is an optimal structure, or rules within the universe that guides love. For example a homogonous relationship, a monogamous relationship which is heterosexual,  a monogamous relationship within a civil marriage and a monogamous relationship within a temple marriage, have different resonances and the spectrum of potential are inherently unique as it applies to the individual type of relationship. Finding resonance or a chord of vibrational frequency within the framework of love there exists chords that are naturally appealing to the heart. Regardless of relationship type, there are certain resonances or chords that naturally appeals to the heart. Fidelity, to feel safe, to feel compassion, to feel wanted and needed, to feel attractive, to feel trust, to feel honesty, to feel love are universal desires that an individual wants from any partner. Basically what I am saying is that you can find a resonance of love in any type of relationship but from an optimal perspective there is no greater relationship than one consummated on the grounds of holy matrimony. Simply, I am suggesting that there is a difference between getting married in a courtroom and getting married in a chapel.


My goal is not to tear down other relationships only to add emphasis on what I view as the optimal type of relationship. Basically, a relationship between a man and a woman within divine covenant is blessed by the authority of God. I believe that God wants us to be happy. I believe that the divine covenant of marriage within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints is a covenant sealed in Heaven by the authority and power of God. A marriage between a man and woman who are commanded to cleave to one another becomes one seed. Jesus Christ has been quoted as saying, “By their fruits, ye shall know them”. To me, finding resonance in love describes the sweetness of the fruit. 


In sum, every relationship is a different type of seed inherently unique to that individual couple. You can have a million different seeds or marriages and each fruit will taste different. If you view love as different fruit trees in the Garden of Eden, you are talking about an orchard that continually changes. Resonance or love requires time like any fruit oftentimes it has to go through seasonal changes. Sometimes as a man or woman within a marital relationship you have to put a lot of work and effort which can be painful, tiresome and challenging. Sometimes as a farmer you are preparing nine months out of the year to enjoy the fruits of your labor. In short, the degree of individual challenges or labor within a marriage will induce the sweetness of the fruit. 




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