When studying the conundrum of relegating the paradoxical relationship between Macro perspective relative to Classical Physics and that of Quantum Physics I believe that you should always take a “faith” approach. The degradation of “faith,” is a misnomer and it should not be relative to the depredation of “religion.”
To be funny: Let me clarify – “the depredation of the masses.”
As I have postulated the heavens relative to resolving (P = NP) and the “timing” of which I am to offer a certain postulation:
Let me offer an observation relative to finding the conundrum within Macro & Nano (Quantum) Physics.
In a subtle hint let me offer a biblical perspective.
In Genesis: Adam & Eve are to multiply:
(E = Mc^2)
Presuming the multiplication of mankind – we may assume a multiplication of “the masses.”
Relative to Light:
Biblically a Seer – “Sees The Future.”
Relative to Science on Macro – “Sees Past.”
Relative to Nano or Quantum – “Conundrum lay within observation relative to whom?”
If a scientist is an instrument which peers into the heavens and into hell….
I will end with the observation relative to time:
If I had an hour glass: Of course the glass with sand would measure an hour.
If I were to create a month, year, or decade – “glass,” the instrument may seem to evolve…
But does it?
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around…does it still make a sound?
Does time stop?
Stay Tuned: Life is getting more interesting.

I love Numbers:
According to Mormon doctrine relative to Latter-Day Saint doctrine:
As the recipients of “divine covenant” stemming from Abraham – there may be a biblical correlation to Enoch.
Kabballah “365” Right To Left.
Facsimile 3 – Count Stars: Left To Right.