Oath of a Disciple

Oath of A Disciple

As a disciple of Jesus Christ I can no longer subscribe to the notion of Patriotism:  I am not enlisted in the army of any one nation, as great as any Man can create:

The Oasis of The Isle of Peace encompasses me and it is a place of utter loneliness:

Peace is not an individual goal, it is a family goal:

Dear Lord, in the immortal eyes thou has given me:

The sweetest Kiss of Death:

In Death I am not lonely:

The umbilical connecting to me a mindset beyond the understanding of mortality:

I know the loneliness of Thine heart – Dear Lord:

I will be your shoulder to cry on:

Dear Lord:  The closeness I feel for you is beyond recompense:

Beyond Time:

I am not yours you are mine:

You are my King.

I seek not an eternity for Me or Mine:

I seek no Kingdom, Dominion, or Principality:

It is all Yours:

At One Ment:

One King, One Kingdom – Under Thee:

I give an Oath of Eternal Servitude –

Where you are, Let Me Be:

On Bended Knee –

All Covenants Lead to Thee:

Bound by Thine Power & Authority:

Upon The Rock of Our Free Agency:

The Altar of Our Love:

Choose to serve Thee –

Not In Life,

But In Death:

For I know I am dead…

In between each breath –

Time Measurement?

A great wisdom lay within the notion that a Pharoah dies and is reborn each day:

Yet, I die between each breath –

Longing for Thy Gentle Caress –

Oath to remember Thee Within Each Success –

For I know and see every blessing as a miracle.

I acknowledge the infinite blessings that encompass me:

But if you would save one soul,

save not mine –

Let me die an infinite death,

Like He who cannot be named:

Because There is No Rhyme or Reason for your Infinite Atonement:

In Willingly Sacrificing My Soul:

I have no desire but that you be made whole:

Men speak of your perfection as if you’re infallible:

As if in your sacrifice you came out of war unscathed:

But Lord, I see the human side of Thee:

I am no God, I can only love thee within the scope of an utter and pure love – as a natural man would:

Do I feel the pangs of a lost world?

Or a frustrated God –

Take my life, that you may Live:

I see you as Aladdin’s Genie –

Put me in the bottle and toss me into the sea –

Come down and enjoy this beautiful world…

Enjoy Mortality:

Because men talk about freedom, liberty, and justice:

All I know:

You’re the Only One That Paid the Ultimate Sacrifice:

My death, is miniscule:

My death is nothing:

For through you:

I am redeemed & resurrected:

O’ Dear God, Lord of Lords, King of Kings:

Don’t teach me how to Live:


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