Justice and Liberty For All

“Justice” describes a masculine expression. “Liberty” a feminine expression.
Marking my birthday I am grateful for the contributions of my parents within my life. I consider myself fortunate to have been raised in a home of which my mother and father were present. The reality surrounding the declining emphasis of “holy matrimony,” and the nature of “commitment,” or “covenant” as it applies between a man and woman-troubles me to my core.
The thwarting dismantling of the matrimony between man and woman; from a civil perspective is not inherently exclusive-as even within the walls of Eternal Marriages; there is an acceptance that what has been bound in the eternities can be unwound.
In short, the institution which blesses a covenant of marriage-The strength of the Union will always be defined by those within the Pact.
As an American: As a Man:
The often overbearing emphasis on The US Constitution and the notion of principles guiding the defining judicial prudence relevance-supposes interpretative weight often giving credence to the intent of our “Founding Fathers.”
The growth of the expression of “Feminism” and Equality as with regards to a glass ceiling and the political efficacy of women empowerment-is a matter of significance and implicative of a problem that should not be ignored.
Knowledge is power-So in power let me highlight an often overlooked inkling into The Expression and Importance of Women In The United States of America and Christianity in General.
The trickling droplets of a Patriarchy trying to minimize the importance of Women In America has created a cataclysm introducing a deluge tearing the very fabric of the nature of The American Republic.
Equality relative to women and men, Mother and Father-Is blending in an unfortunate manner-Gender roles are being redefined-Not because of Failed Marriages-because of Failed Government.
We live in an America which for many- requires both Men & Women to work to provide for their children.
Although old-fashioned-The concept of traditional marriage failed by A Government-must be failed by The Church-because they are interdependent.
Is it a coincidence that the degradation of marriage as externally expressed coincides with the decline of religion subscription.
I digress.
One of the emblematic icons of what we as Americans believe-is memorialized in The Statue of Liberty. If The US Constitution is of The Founding Fathers, it has been externally expressed within female Statue of Liberty.
The racist bigotry and the activism to tear down icons of division is of an inferior notion-when one thinks of the possibility-of the destruction of a landmark such as The Statue of Liberty.
We are on a collision course with that reality if we do not change our ways.
An often silenced reality surrounding the divinity of The United States of America as a “Christian” nation must examine the significance of “Columbia” to which our “Capital,” is named.
Often referenced as deriving from Christopher “Columbus,” even if it is true-“Columbia,” and its Latin origin may be translated as “dove.”
Within The Book of Mormon-we learn that the name of things when attributed to their children-is a symmetrical comparison offering purpose and significance.
9 And when my father saw that the waters of the river emptied into the afountain of the Red Sea, he spake unto Laman, saying: O that thou mightest be like unto this river, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness!
The significance of Columbia and the interpretive translation of a “dove,” is spiritually significance within Christianity and as a Nation which is showing telltale signs of having forgotten the importance of women.
16 And Jesus, when he was abaptized, went up bstraightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the cSpirit of God descending like a ddove, and lighting upon him:
17 And lo a avoice from heaven, saying, This is my bbeloved cSon, in whom I am well pleased.
In sum: The United States of America-District of “Columbia” is translated “Dove.” The same “Dove,” which appeared during the baptism of “Jesus Christ.” Our Capital-within the context of the Lehi comparison is named after a Woman.