Humility – Grand Cosmos

Divine Timing

Humility is a characteristic of those whom may be seeking truth.  The willingness to open your heart in seeking truth, often requires a willingness to suffer as The Lord.  Without the intent of vanity, it may be said – that in suffering you are made Lord; In any trial you overcome – it is a trial no more, and in conquest – you made a conqueror.  If you battle alcoholism and overcome – call yourself “Lord Sober.”  If you overcome drug addiction – call yourself “Lord Sober.”  If you overcome grief – call yourself “Lord Redeemed.”  If you overcome divorce – call yourself – “Blessed.”  If you escape death – call yourself “Blessed.”  If you have found God – call yourself – “Disciple.”  In all things – when “thinking celestial,” feel free to call yourself – “Celestial.”  The greatest wisdom is in recognizing that to which we find focus – is to what we become, and the means to which we become.  If you achieve the pinnacle of Lord, Blessed, and Celestial – Without a sense of delusion – You will have grasped the notion of the majesty to which as a human being you extend – a “divine son or daughter” of God.  You can be all of these things – As long as you remember to whom has showed you the way.  Born in the covenant, a divine covenant as a member of The Church of God – I always approach life with humility.  One of my favorite quotes often requires making lemonade of lemons.  Inherent with the Plan of Salvation was the need for weakness or an incompleteness.  Inherent within the Plan of Salvation is the opportunity for growth.  I am certain that if God so desired, They could have created us a perfect…

Within a covenant of divine promise, in any trial – we are promised that in a willingness to suffer death for His sake, life eternal we shall find.  A life of a disciple is not an easy one.  There is really only one requirement:  Overcome, overcome, overcome…

In all things… Overcome:

To overcome requires often a sense of humility:

Before overcoming alcoholism, drug addiction, grief, divorce; all manner of mortality – requires “acceptance,” a “humility,” a recognition of weakness and flawed nature to which we were created;

Inherent within the Grand Cosmic plan of life – where it is cosmic within the understanding that the earth is a platform for us to lift off into the stars.  The turbulence of life preparatory to a cosmic journey to which can only be described as indescribable.  

“Thinking Celestial,” is a vision that must be approached with humility.  With humility you hope for greater things, yet, in humility you are grateful for what you have.

Whether in a hut, in a shack, in a rambler, one-story, two-story, farm, or modern office building – the grass is always greener – when you approach life- that where you are is where you “want” to be.  “Need not want not.”  Simply said:  Learn to want Only that you need – and if you do this… You inherently “Think Celestial.”

God is a Father of Miracles:  He wants all that you need.  If you are Lord Sober, Lord Redeemed, Blessed, and Celestial –

It is not an “attitude” of vanity, but recognizing the “altitude” to which you are destined.

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