Hermetic Perspective

My love for learning has been a fruitful journey. 

The term “fruitful” suggests organic growth through seasons.  The concept of holding an “iron rod,” and a “straight and narrow” path within Mormon or “LDS,” (Latter-day Saint) doctrine may lead some to assume the road or stairway to heaven is linear or vertical.

I think within the context of “strait” as within the KJV Biblical translation refers to a “narrow” passage of water that ultimately leads to larger bodies of water.  Without a desire to dig deep or scripture thump with anyone, my personal perspective on the matter is that “water” is subject to the natural elements. 

Further there may be implications that Jesus Christ the “Water of Life” is the means by which we connect to our heavenly potential. 

There are many deep meanings within the scriptures, and other literature.  When I refer to scripture-For me I am referring to the doctrinal canon of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I must state that we consider the words of our prophets as modern day addendums to the doctrinal canon.  Scripture to you may mean something different.  In short, “scripture,” is simply the books to which we define our belief systems.

On various social media platforms you will find many posts, reels, videos, etcetera discussing  “Hermeticism.”  Without the intent of fully going into depth regarding philosophies within the realm of “Hermeticism,” I will provide my reference point; to which my critique of Hermeticism stem.  I watched six videos by Santos Bonacci.  A two-part series on Astrology, A two-part series on Astrotheology, and a two-part series on Occult Sciences.

I must admit much of the information is intriguing-although, there is a subtle suggestion of the lack of control over one’s inherent control over their destiny.

The insights offered relative to the interpretation of Christian canon as it relates to Astrology which is defined as “Astrotheology,” has merit.

The level of expertise to which Santos Bonacci has on these particular subjects appear to be quite extensive-yet, in my opinion lacks clarity.

Within the confines of his lectures he appears to imply that “Hermetic” wisdom as a “unity consciousness” is the truth that is returning to the world as a prophetic emanation highlighting the return of “Saturn” or “Satan.”

Bonacci’s knowledge of the Christian canonical gospels highlights a well-versed individual with an expanse of knowledge.

Bonnaci’s loose interpretation of his vision of “unity consciousness,” although not his exclusively as he quotes many of the old sages of antiquity-leaves much to be desired.

There is no doubt that his vision is one of unification.  Unfortunately for me it implied a fatal flaw.

Santos Bonacci when discussing “birth charts,” seems to imply that our lives are not just impacted by celestial movements-but defined by them.

In conclusion, there is a lot that could be learned from Santos Bonacci and his vision of Hermeticism.  Although offering an informative perspective, it may be viewed as a cynical perspective that presents the notion that as individuals our lives are more a product of astrological influence than individual choices.

Below I will provide a playlist of the aforementioned videos: (Videos Removed By Author)

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