Within the Garden of Eden there exists foliage and trees of every kind, and of every fruit we were to eat freely, except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Choosing not to expound upon this precious allegory in too much detail, it is adequate to admonish you to recognize that the fruits of the Garden are the inherent and diverse labours of each of us as unique individuals.  

I believe the Tree of Life describes the birth of consciousness or soul.  The soul encompasses or is measured by the attainment of knowledge.  Therefore I am suggesting that even the soul or consciousness grows.  Once knowledge reaches a Celestial resonance there exists the opportunity to find harmony.

With no intention on defining the heavenly or Celestial motions I suggest that it is within the Plan of Salvation within the construct of Mormonism-relative to Eternal families, infinite, without number, Nameless.

Once within a Celestial motion it is exact.  Meaning relative to P = NP, it is a one way program.  P = NP is limited by the uncertainty principle where the focus of the microcosm lacks the macro resonance.  

Relative to the “Double-Slit” test, recognizing my rudimentary understanding of the “sciences,” I believe it describes an atomic anomaly relative to “observation.”  Therefore I suggest it is not the reaction or response of matter, but the light lacking resonance as an impediment to the manipulation of the metaphysical- due to noise or discord between light and dark matter.  I believe it is safe to assume that light has mass, consists of matter, and therefore I guess that there is a lack of synchronicity.

Relative to the nature of the Cosmos it is evident that there is “no space” beyond the realm of Deity under the control of Almighty God.  Therefore the Earth, the Universe, within this construct or framework is inherently within Heaven.  The sublime or Ether is a euphemism for dark matter.  The term dark is a misnomer as it presents the conundrum that humanity is not “bright” enough to see it.  To see is to comprehend, making you seer.

49 The alight shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall come when you shall bcomprehend even God, being quickened in him and by him.

Humanity by nature is Political.  I am simply saying that men and women are creatures who like order, and as a byproduct of evolution inherently adapts or shape shifts- seeking equilibrium.  

Therefore I propose that relative to the “Star of David” fundamentally encapsulates equilibrium or synchronicity.

Relative to equilibrium and synchronicity relative to synergy which describes resonance would summarily from a microcosmic perspective see Six points, where the mindfulness of the macrocosmic is in resonance when the view zooms out to a point.  Therefore achieving rest, equilibrium, synchronistic synergy, even seven.

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