
Latter-day Saints believe in Exaltation.  Within the context of Exaltation-simply:  We believe that men and women have divine potential, to become like god, or a god.


Mathematically this can be explained within the “exponential powers” relative to “Zero” and “One.”

It should be noted that Mathematics or Science in general are observatory, and does not “define” natural law.  In other words Science observes in principle-makes sense of natural observations occurring in the universe relative to earth-to include humanity.

Science studies to Universe – “Celestial.”

Science studies the Earth – “Terrestrial.”

Science studies Human Physical Body – “Telestial.”

I may be taking the terms “Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial” out of context relative to The Plan of Salvation with canonical doctrines as within LDS or Mormon belief- but it adds context to perspective relative to degrees of perspective that it is not Plan of Salvation-exclusive.

Relative to Priesthood “power,” which is the power to which all things were created- I loosely offer an interpretative coincidence-where within the powers or exponential properties of “Zero” and “One” it offers an intriguing view that seems to support divine design as explained within the Mormon belief system.

Many view God as something out of nothing.  Without ‘Beginning or End.”

When looking at the current understanding of the Exponential properties of “Zero,”

Zero Squared = One.

So in essence mathematically expressed out of nothing you get something.

(0^2) == 1

Further relative to Exaltation:

Mormon doctrine believes that The Godhead is 3 distinct individual personages, forming The Godhead.

So in Essence: One Cubed.

1*1*1 == 1

(1-The Father)*(1-The Son)*(1-The Holy Ghost) == (The Godhead)

Within the exponential properties of “One” it will go into perpetuity-“never ending.”

So in Essence- We have the potential to become one with the “Ones”, “The Godhead,” to be “Exalted.”


1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1 forever…

Where one could be You.

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