Egypt & Mormon Temple Rites

Hugh Nibley

If you have not read the page Ma’at on this website – I invite you to take a looksee.  Ultimately, I link The United States of America and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – as linked together under a plan of divine implication – divinely covenanted.

In sum, The Cradle of The Western World stemming from Egypt – and The canonical political philosophical, ontological; preceding the USA, as Fathered by Eurocentric thought- preceded by The Greeks (New Testament), preceded by The Israelites (The Old Testament), originating in Egypt (Alexandria) – The Pinnacle of Sumer, and Babylon.

The idea that The Temple Endowment, or Temple rites within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints often attributed to The Freemasons, and rightfully so – Joseph Smith, indeed was a Mason – if examined objectively: ultimately stems from Egypt.

There is a postulation that The Freemasons trace their roots to The Knight Templar, King Solomon.  Historically this may be significant because of The Knight Templar is indicative of “Crusades,” and I believe you will see there are crusades tied to engagements of Egypt.

Regardless of the historical implications – and their inherent factual underpinnings – it cannot be refuted that The Pearl of Great Price and it’s Facsimiles of Egyptian influence as they are spiritual interpretive translation of Hypocephalus .

Modern science within the branch of linguistics and the eventual discovery of The Rosetta Stone provided the backdrop for deciphering what is today the basis for modern understanding of Egyptian Hieroglyphics.  Ultimately, The Book of Abraham and its Facsimiles stemming from Hypocephalus which includes incantations within the context of the afterlife- offering spells, prayer, and guidance for the afterlife.

Joseph Smith Jr, an unlearned man by the way of the world was divinely guided to do two things:

In his plea to “Which Church is True?”

  1.  He establishes a Christian based Church unique from all other Faiths.
  2. He makes a well distinguished tie between Judaism and Egypt – Within The Book of Abraham.  Therefore it may be deduced – That the origin of The Church, in its restoration draws its roots from antiquity prior to Judaism.  


I must give credit to the man once described as The Church’s paramount scholar on Egyptology.  Hugh Nibley.

Here is a documentary titled “Faith of An Observer,” that will help you see the correlation between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Temple rites and its Egyptian influence:

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