Divine Parenting Lessons

Divine Parenting

This General Conference talk has been assigned to our Elders Quorum and Relief Society Sisters – for Discussion this week.  Elder Valeri V. Cordon:  His talk is titled:  “Divine Parenting Lessons,” in preparation for Sunday.

You don’t have to be a member of The Church to benefit from General Conference talks.  I invite you take the opportunity to listen to the video and draw insights from his talk while I offer personal insight.

My initial impression from his talk is that as parents we are to recognize that there is definitely insightful perspective we can gather from learning about the life of Jesus Christ.  In humility as a parent I recognize that despite years of experience in life as an individual, and as a parent- I still have a lot to learn about helping my children succeed in life.

“Success” is subjective.  I think developing values and principles that are gospel centered helps us have or define a greater picture of success by prioritizing what is important in life.

First and foremost for me it is recognizing that “I need help.”

The challenges we face in life; providing, protecting, and guiding our children in life, while preparing them for their own authentic version of success is a complex challenge that requires the help of others.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is one of love, compassion, tenderness, family, spirituality; while helping us as individuals prioritize the most important things in our lives.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by The Church is “family-centered.”

Therefore as parents-Our children are of paramount importance.

In serving our children, families, communities, country, and church – we serve God.

Within The Church we can be given direction by a Patriarchal Blessing.  Fathers are the Patriarch’s of each individual family and are considered stewards or captains of their family’s ship.

Within the construct of The Church Organization there are Stake Patriarch’s that are Divine Stewards called of God to give a divine blessing to individuals as they prepare for their life’s journey.  This is supplemental to a Father’s stewardship – as a Stake Patriarch can offer a “once-in-a-lifetime” blessing directly from God.  As with any blessing-it is predicated on the faith and righteous actions of the recipient.

In short, As parents it is helpful to be humble and in humility seek help when we have struggles with our children.  In addition to worldly wisdom, divine or spiritual wisdom can enamor us with greater insight and perspective on how to guide our children.  There should be emphasis of not waiting for problems or issues to arise, but to proactively seek guidance from on high.

Updated:  08:26 – April, 12, 2024 – Servus Amare

Continually reflecting upon this lesson:  I believe it is implied that “divine guidance” is necessary.  As members we believe that all mankind of The Earth, men and women posses the light of Christ – an innate ability to discern between right and wrong.  This is not enough.  Within the context of The Plan of Salvation their is opposition to Good.  If not, would it not be easier to choose to do “good.”  If so, why may the world seem to be a reflection of much evildoings?  It may be implied that their is a Leader of Evil or Darkness, opposed to Good, Light to God.  Within the construct of Religion – we often call the Leader of Darkness- Satan.

Satan is known to be “The Father of Lies,” “The Evil One.”  As parents we may need to recognize that despite our best-intentions, and inherent internal compass to do good, we may need “divine” help if there exists an opposition more formidable than we can handle on our own.  If you are not consumed by the world, by darkness, and have found light in through the tempests of life – you are stronger than me, stronger than most.  As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:  We applaud you, and Need You.  Please Help those of us who cannot help ourselves:

“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”


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