Dark Matter: Quantum Mechanics

Dark Matter Quantum Mechanics

What is the end goal of quantum mechanics?

Assuming the manipulation of a “singularity,” a man or woman can become God.  We are not talking about some minor form of power; we are talking about a technology far beyond our current imaginations.  For clarification, a “singularity” would be the fundamental building block of reality.  Context:  smaller than a quark.

It is quite fascinating for a “singularity” could be small and expansive at the same time.  

Regardless, I want to propose a hypothesis regarding Quantum Mechanics to properties of dark matter and how it affects the microcosm.

Metaphorically, the term “dark matter” may be suitable relative to its similarities to the properties of “black” on the color spectrum therefore it absorbs, yet I presume that you cannot absorb or take-in without an equal and opposite reaction relative to the physics of “matter.”

My proposal is simple:

A “singularity” or (fundamental building block relative to quantum measurement) interacts with other singularities and the coagulation is like colors intermingling creating different hues with different vibrations and resonance.

From an eternal perspective you can never find origin and it is never ending…

For example, you can mix white with white, and I am saying it changes in even the most miniscule way.

Obviously, certain color combinations offer a hue (unique color) that resonate differently, attracting or pushing away different color resonances; relative to preference.

For example:

A family has a hue.

A white family has a hue.

A Polynesian family has a hue…

Within a Polynesian family hue, there exists individual hues, so the complex uniqueness, assuming there exists metaphysical law – is inherently safeguarded.

Moral Ethical Viewpoints:

Parents generally guide the individual hues in the nest – but as they get older, perhaps adolescents: their individual hue becomes more compounded – as the emphasis on other relationships gains precedent.

Again, on a metaphysical level – originality is safeguarded.

I think it should be noted that “pure white,” relative to inherent resonance would be rather boring.  Within the grey area between white & black; exists an infinite amount of possibilities – the term “bright” could be a combination of one’s favorite color combinations.

Relative to Quantum-Macro:

1st:  You’re color hue is always changing.

2nd:  It transitions physically on a quantum level, effecting hue externally.

3rd:  Hue effects resonance.

4th:  Hue Dissonance on a quantum level affects resonance in classical relativity which may help predict dystrophy.  

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