Creation In Mathematics

As with any riddle presuming there is no correct answer this type of question or problem is defined by relationship.  The beautiful nature of the Socratic method implies answering a question with a question which encapsulates the nature of how I view riddles.  God is the ultimate “Riddler.”  Great Scotts, Batman, beam me up, drop the drawbridge, and let me cross that mote.  Thundercats, Thundercats, Roooooooooaaaaaaarrrr!   IYKYK.  LOL.

My perspective on the Socratic Method is not some type of intellectual battle of the wits, but instead brainstorming-inducing questions.  Coincidentally, you move from deductive and inductive reasoning, to experimentation-or a test of a physical nature.

In essence, thoughts or ideas-hypotheses, and then “confirmation,” through experimentation or a physical application to which a hypothesis becomes theory, and then eventually law.

This does not work without a “time delimiter.”  Otherwise there would be no law, for change is a constant within this framework.  Only Almighty God is beyond time, never changing.  Therefore I presume that the soul or spirit is our connection or conduit to God, otherwise knowledge would cease to exist.  So in essence man is not God’s greatest creation, Time is.

Reference:  P = NP (Mathematics)

Within a simplistic correlation of Socrates and Aristotle; comparatively within the framework of the Plan of Salvation which describes that before everything is physically created, it is first created spiritually-I am suggesting that within the microcosm of the scientific method, there exists a question, and then the physical manifestation of an answer.  Ultimately, when there is a question or lack of progress, the only way to an amicable answer is a test.

WIthin the framework of The Plan of Salvation where we left our Heavenly home or Heavenly Father- begs the question:

Why would our Father not come with us?

Within the microcosm of the scientific method, our Heavenly Father is the “control group.”

Further, where is our Mother?

Although not exclusive, within the context of Mormon doctrine we are taught that the earth was created as a home for us, to sustain us, and protect us.  If not inherently implied, I surmise to say “Mother Earth.”

Within the framework of mortality we may presume that the only time our mother protects, sustains or feeds us, and houses us is within her womb.  Within this context the doctrine seems to support that we are children of our Heavenly Father.

Without the intent of defending polygamy as an “earthly” law as within the framework to which man is currently constituted, which I believe is a monogamous relationship, the “Celestial,” framework according to the doctrine that polygamy is a “Celestial Law,” would only apply to Almighty God.  God the Grand Creator of all worlds, is the Father of all, and therefore married to all “Mother Earths.”  We believe that God has created many Earths and the goal is to inherit one of our own.

Choosing not to define the cosmos or the progression of the heavens I would like to say that the macrocosm is important, but paramount to our existence is the microcosm which in this regard is the “nuclear family unit.”  This is to suggest that as men our greatest inheritance is our spouse or wife.  

Utilising mathematics let me try to add to this conceptualization of life within basic arithmetic congruent to the order of operations within the acronym MDAS.  I was taught at a young age to remember the order of operations within basic arithmetic to remember MDAS as an acronym of “My Dear Aunt Sally.”

M:  Multiplication

D:  Division

A:  Addition

S:  Subtraction

Reference:  MiDAS “Everything i Touch turns to Gold.  Welcome to the “Golden” Age, I am about to lay an egg.

I guess I am a Riddler myself, I cannot help it-I am trying to be like my Father.

Before I continue:  Shout out to all my Teachers.  With Gratitude, Servus Amare was here!

M: Multiplication

  • Growing up we referred to learning our multiplication tables as “times tables.”
  • I am suggesting this is the creation of “Time.”
  • Also creation of Male or XY
  • 2 Variables are needed to Multiply

D: Division

  • Division is necessary to create addition.
  • I am suggesting of (Male) XY – Almighty God took of his rib (X) and multiplied
  • Creating Female (XX) – Almighty God multiplied X and induced Addition (+) creating Mother Earth

A:  Addition

  • On earth created Life and asked to Multiply and add (+) or “replenish.”

S: Subtraction

  • The creation of Subtraction (-) or opposition inducing EQUILIBRIUM.

MDAS = EWNS = 4 Cardinal Points.

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