Sociopolitical creation of Liberalism

This is a perspective regarding the dynamics within the creation of liberalism inversely related to the induced disconnect between kids and parents; due to the requirement that both parents work to provide the basic needs of children.

Within the context of an issue which assumes that the two parent home within the confines of marriage is the ideal situation for nurturing and rearing children:

As previously discussed:  Relative to time, when both parents are required to work for the basic necessities of their family there exists a decrease of time available to their children.

Less time nurturing and rearing our children produces an increase of influence of others in their lives.

When the parents are absent, children learn from those viewed as father or mother figures.

The type of influence, liberal or conservative is irrelevant – within my observation or hypothesis regarding the root problem, if it is even a problem – regardless I find this sociopolitical dynamic interesting:

Assuming our influence as parents decrease relative to normal adolescence – there is also an inherent decrement to parental influence due to decrease in time.

As parents’ influence decrease there is an increase of influence from other adults in their lives.

Good or Bad is irrelevant.  Assuming that if children find focus heavily influenced by parents:  The level of focal influence is from a dataset of two variables; mother and father respectively.

Assuming the diminished influence from parents as a dataset, and adds teachers, extended family, friends, coaches and so forth – it is not necessarily the political views of those who have gained influence – it is the introduction of multiple views – inherently creating a broader dataset.  

Focus is important.  

Metaphorically:  If you are a child in a sea of books; a parent is a guide to which books to read.  Lets view parents as Librarians.

So in the aforementioned sea, Instead of 2 librarians there now exists 10 librarians (Teachers, Coaches, Friends, etc) .  The list of books to read expands parallel to the number of Librarians inducing liberal ideas not necessarily because librarians with liberal ideals; but the metaphysical structure of segmented influence over a “broader” range of focus.  Simply:  “Less is More.”  

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