Cherubim – Lucifer

Cherubim - Lucifer

In humility – In our defense our greatest offense.  For in truth, man has found offence.  In prayerful supplication I ask with pure intent:  Almighty God – Bringeth Peace unto the Earth.  

As a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I am not easily offended by the things we have been ascribed.  Regarding the notion that as “Mormons,” we are not Christian-I accept the often misunderstood perspective that we worship “Joseph Smith” as a callous perspective of a foolish demeanor.

Do Lutherans worship Martin Luther?

Do the Catholics Worship the Pope?

Relative to Joseph Smith and his “First Vision,” of our dear prophet and his revelations have been attributed to Darkness, even of The Devil.

Jesus Christ himself was encompassed by darkness within the wilderness.

The attempts to discredit or attack our faith by – demonizing the prophet of The Restoration, is not taken lightly and will fall by the wayside.  Although once empathetic to your position having prayed fervently in earnest for “clarity,” upon the matter, if this does not offer “clarity,” you have my sympathies.

I believe this is well explained within a published article by the current BYU president C. Shane Reese: “Becoming BYU.”

Within his article and insightful perspective regarding “False Dichotomies,” within the context of education – I found clarity in position that even Lucifer serves a purpose in Heavenly Father’s plan.

Without going into the depths of The Plan- I will simply say that Lucifer and his “Angels,” are the “Cherubim.”

The Cherubim are the Gate Keepers protecting the entrance of The Garden of Eden.

Within The Plan of Salvation- we are here to be tested, ultimately hoping to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father to dwell in His presence.

Therefore our Goal may be to return to The Garden-implies that we must be permitted by The Cherubim.

Within metaphor Lucifer suffered “spiritual death.”

“Spiritual death,” may be made equivocal to the “Veil of Forgetfulness.”

In covenanting to “always remember Him,” renewing or covenants relative to baptism:

In receiving, accepting, and remembering Jesus Christ we are promised salvation and resurrection.

In Sum, in remembering Jesus Christ we overcome the “veil,” -remembering and affirmed of our divinity of who we are as divine sons daughters of our Heavenly parents.  In remembering Jesus Christ we are able to defeat or overcome Lucifer.  We remember lifting the veil.

There is an astrological attribution to Lucifer as the “morning star,” or “dawn of the morning” which implies “Cherubim,” as a Gate Keeper to the Garden:  Even:  prerequisite to: Sun-“Full Blossom.”

Therefore I suggest:

The Cherubim are designed as the final test before illumination.

Overcome Lucifer or The Cherubim and you will be permitted to enter the presence of Heavenly Father according and within the unique framework of individual measurement. 

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