The Gospel of The Three Nephites

The Pearl of Great Price

As the wicked fought against them, Enoch led the people of God “and he spake the word of the Lord; and the earth trembled, and the mountains fled even according to his command.” (Moses 7:13.) Enoch then built “the city of holiness, even Zion.” (Moses 7:19.) In this city the people were of “one heart […]

Exaltation In Science


Latter-day Saints believe in Exaltation.  Within the context of Exaltation-simply:  We believe that men and women have divine potential, to become like god, or a god.   “As man now is, God once was: “As God now is, man may be.”1 Mathematically this can be explained within the “exponential powers” relative to “Zero” and “One.” […]

Creation In Mathematics

As with any riddle presuming there is no correct answer this type of question or problem is defined by relationship.  The beautiful nature of the Socratic method implies answering a question with a question which encapsulates the nature of how I view riddles.  God is the ultimate “Riddler.”  Great Scotts, Batman, beam me up, drop […]

King Crab (Syndrome)

The Fable of The King Crab

The Fable of The King Crab There was a young man walking along the sea shore collecting crabs.  One by one he selected of the finest crabs upon the shores of the rocky sea shores.  One by one he put individual crabs into a deep bucket.  The God of the ocean, even Poseidon found favor […]

Visualizing Zion – Divine Mandate

Visualizing Zion – Divine Mandate Moses 7:18Pearl of Great Price  18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. Divine Mandate I believe there exists a “divine mandate” inherited by The United States of America and The Church of Jesus […]