Focusing on Sin


Focusing on Sin inverse Moral Ethical Reaction & Response I think that inherently within the socio-political construct of humanity there exists a desire for “order ” – where emotionally it is expressed a combination of “joy”, “happiness”, or “love.” Order, Joy, Happiness, and Peace is a Universal Desire, but the means and methods of achieving […]

Mormonism in a few words

Mormon Perspective on Love, life, and time

Life is short! Love your wife so deeply –where as men we are authors: who love God, Family, and Country so deeply we would need an “eternity” to write about it.

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics and Faith

When studying the conundrum of relegating the paradoxical relationship between Macro perspective relative to Classical Physics and that of Quantum Physics I believe that you should always take a “faith” approach.  The degradation of “faith,” is a misnomer and it should not be relative to the depredation of “religion.” To be funny:  Let me clarify […]

Humility – Grand Cosmos

Divine Timing

Humility is a characteristic of those whom may be seeking truth.  The willingness to open your heart in seeking truth, often requires a willingness to suffer as The Lord.  Without the intent of vanity, it may be said – that in suffering you are made Lord; In any trial you overcome – it is a […]

Pure Love

Pure Love

A Letter From Albert Einstein To HisDaughterA letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter:In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publishtheir contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them, for LieserlEinstein.“When I proposed the […]

Egypt & Mormon Temple Rites

Hugh Nibley

If you have not read the page Ma’at on this website – I invite you to take a looksee.  Ultimately, I link The United States of America and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – as linked together under a plan of divine implication – divinely covenanted. In sum, The Cradle of The […]

Garden of Eden

Within the Garden of Eden there exists foliage and trees of every kind, and of every fruit we were to eat freely, except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Choosing not to expound upon this precious allegory in too much detail, it is adequate to admonish you to recognize that the fruits of […]

Divine Parenting Lessons

Divine Parenting

This General Conference talk has been assigned to our Elders Quorum and Relief Society Sisters – for Discussion this week.  Elder Valeri V. Cordon:  His talk is titled:  “Divine Parenting Lessons,” in preparation for Sunday. You don’t have to be a member of The Church to benefit from General Conference talks.  I invite you take […]