Prophet of Restoration -Joseph Smith

As above So Below – is often attributed to The Freemasons.  The fact that Joseph Smith found an affinity to this secret sect and the sacred nature to which it has affected Mormon rites is not easily dismissed.  The Plan of Salvation and The Plan of Happiness describes the two-fold mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Our mission is to save that men and women may have joy (happiness).  Unfortunately our concept of saving, involves a process acknowledging sin – which often offers feelings of being condemned – where a short-minded individual may not see the light at the end of tunnel.  The question we should ask ourselves is, is the trials of our faith worth it?  The manner of grace is insufficient in that as Mormons we believe that faith requires work.

In short, faith is not enough.  We are on earth, in mortality, being tested according to divine measurement – that within the framework of judgment – blessed according to our faith and actions or work.  Within the context of work, our judgment goes beyond the veil in many circumstances.  Simply, we are not just judged according to the measurement of work during mortality, but according to the legacy.  In short, Joseph Smith is judged not in historicity – but according to the fruits of his labor relative to choices of The Church to which he was the vessel for restoring:  even, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As Above So Below if looking deeply with reflection may be made congruent to Ying & Yang.  So I postulate – As Above So Below can be expressed as Yin & Yan.

As Above So Below – Is a Prayer for Zion, even for divine blessing, asking for divine stewardship.  That as it is in Heaven, likewise be on Earth.  This is not unique to the Freemasons, Mormons – all who ascribe to Christianity often recite The Lord’s Prayer:

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.”

There exists within a Political framework relative to the Ching empire, The Pharaonic line, through the Roman conquests a desire to be “divinely justified.”  In other words for leaders for men or women to view themselves as being divinely appointed.  In short, God’s Kingdom or Empire of God where the leaders have achieved nobility as a matter of divine right – to the point they demanded the respect of being worshipped and deified likewise.

“Power corrupts, Absolute power – absolutely corrupts.”  

The United States of America and its Constitution is an attempt to right the wrongs of Civilizations past.  Within the context of sin, there must be a cleansing, and recompense.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints therefore yoking the burden of Christ bears the burden not only the sins of Civilization past, but of Civilizations today.  In short, we are saving us from yesterday, and today – making manifest the future: inherently the need for modern-day revelation and modern-day apostles, prophets, seers, revelators, and ultimately – disciples.

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