Garden of Eden

Within the Garden of Eden there exists foliage and trees of every kind, and of every fruit we were to eat freely, except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Choosing not to expound upon this precious allegory in too much detail, it is adequate to admonish you to recognize that the fruits of […]
Creation In Mathematics

As with any riddle presuming there is no correct answer this type of question or problem is defined by relationship. The beautiful nature of the Socratic method implies answering a question with a question which encapsulates the nature of how I view riddles. God is the ultimate “Riddler.” Great Scotts, Batman, beam me up, drop […]

The pursuit of an education has always been paramount within my American dream. We live in a time where as individuals we are inundated with information. Coming from a knowledge base of Mormonism and Americanism I have come to the conclusion that life is indeed a test in which we are in a constant state […]
Divine Parenting Lessons

This General Conference talk has been assigned to our Elders Quorum and Relief Society Sisters – for Discussion this week. Elder Valeri V. Cordon: His talk is titled: “Divine Parenting Lessons,” in preparation for Sunday. You don’t have to be a member of The Church to benefit from General Conference talks. I invite you take […]